
| 三雞圖 | 紫藤麻雀 | 西周散氏盤銘聯 | 周易鼎金文聯 | 先秦石鼓文聯 |
| 宋蘇東坡句聯 | 宋蘇東坡念奴嬌詞聯 | 八哥出浴圖 | 西周散氏盤銘聯 |
| 牡丹儷影 | 紫藤 | 柳雀圖軸 | 書法 | 銘聯 |

Billy Chan

Mr Chan was born in Hong Kong in 1940. He was a student of the Cantonese great painter, Master Chiu Siu Neong. At the age of mid twenties, he had his first personal art exhibition. His artwork was well recognised and appreciated. Later, he became a student of Master Dang Fan to further his learning in Chinese painting. During the 1950's, he accompanied Master Dang and Master Lou Suk Zhung visited artists and scholars within Hong Kong and Macau to expand his understanding of Chinese arts and culture. In the 1960's, he toured around European countries such as England, France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands to study painting. He then established the Village Painting Association of Hong Kong with Szeto Kei and Paul Hugh. In the 1970's, he migrated to Australia and has been invited to lecture in the Korean Lady's University as well as in the New York St. John University.

The early stage of Mr Chan's painting was heavily influenced by the style of his teacher, Master Dang. However, he innovated to develop his own style. For the performance of calligraphy, he had learnt the best from the other styles to enrich his world of arts. In short, he learnt from ancient schools and contemporary artists to evolve his own expression of Chinese arts.

Mr Chan puts a lot of attention in how to use lines and texture to create and integrate in order to show his feeling of arts. Through his extensive experience of drawing and observations, he manages to use different methods to express the meaning of abstract and the real world. He has mastered the use of colour and the special effect of watering in paintings. His masterpieces are lively and abundant in feeling. His painting shows his great talent in Chinese arts and skills.
Phone: (02) 6241 6996

陳丙光先生字守仁﹐號友篪﹐別署退之﹐戌寅虎年出生與香港﹐原籍廣東東莞﹐ 幼從五伯父石如公習書法、讀古文。中學畢業後曾于香港追隨趙少昂習畫。弱冠之 年舉行個人畫展時﹐嶄露頭角﹐嗣後師事鄧芬。五十年代時﹐陳丙光經常隨鄧芬、 羅叔重等人足履港澳各地﹐與當地文化界交流﹐眼界開闊。六十年代後﹐陳丙光先 生開始遊歷英、法、意大利、瑞士、德國、比利時和荷蘭研究繪畫。七十年代移居 澳洲。

陳丙光先生的畫很注重繪畫創作的質感與線條的整合和整體格調﹐他的作品同 時注重了國畫中骨法用筆的宗旨﹐不因循古人﹔在傳統技法中﹐致力引入新境界。 在形像的取舍方面﹐透過大量對實物的寫生與觀察﹐陳丙光著意于對物象神采的把 握﹐形神融聚﹐闡釋其最典型的一面。作品不但蘊含了情感的律動﹐更將內心情緒 藉獨特的形式進行意象的表現﹐以用筆潑辣且節奏明快見稱。其章法在舒展聚散中 見規矩﹐注意位置經營﹐時有特殊佳構。最難得的是在用色和用水上﹐可謂艷而不 俗﹐醇而不滯。他所繪的畫乾淨利索﹐從不留稿﹔隨手創作﹐故此酣暢淋漓﹐揮灑 自如﹐匠心獨運﹐趣味盎然。


Three Roosters 34x94cm

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