
主題 建議和意見
關於aucca中文翻譯的建議 意見 1    意見 2

兒行千里母擔憂 - 樂飛


    看了你這篇文章我非常感動。字字句句飽含母親對兒女的無私奉獻和關愛。我由此 也想到我的母親。文革中她也被批鬥、遊街。當我父親被迫害得病時,是母親一邊 照顧父親,一邊支撐這個家。使我們幾子妹安然渡過那黑暗的歲月。特別是當我遭 受人生的重大挫折--丈夫患癌去世的打擊時,母親為支持我走出喪夫的悲痛,獨自 承擔起為我撫育女兒的重擔。鼓勵我遠走他鄉重新尋找新的生活。可以說,沒有我 的母親,就沒有我的今天。現在我也把我的母親接到了珠海,共享天倫之樂。但困 擾我的是我母親好像過得並不開心。她經常抱怨我陪她太少。所以,我也經常思考 到底要怎樣做才能讓母親快樂起來。我經常恨自己還不成功,不能做到有多點時間 給母親和女兒。你說我該怎樣做?

    08 Sep 2004, 09:02:13 PM

浩劫後的一點建議   ¤ 佟永達

   一段時期以來﹐ 山火肆虐,烈炎騰空,來勢凶猛。但總以為離我們居住 的城市尚遠。然後,突然間,野火襲來﹐首都的某些地域被燒﹐五百餘家房屋被毀﹐ 五位居民遇難,幾千人痛失家園。這一場五十年一遇的野火帶給堪京的災難,讓人 難過,看到電視直播的可怕的畫面,更使人震惊。

    現在,大火尚未熄滅﹐當前的要務是全力以赴,堅決杜絕野火捲土重來。 更要安置好受災的民眾,向他們伸出援助之手,幫助他們重建家園。

   為了吸取這次火災的血的教訓,悼念死去的人士,表彰消防滅火有功人員, 我建議在未來重建新居,恢復小區公共設施時, 似應建立一座小型紀念碑,以教育 今人,警戒後人。美國紐約(九一一)後建碑留念。做為首都堪培拉,在經歷一場劫 難後, 為什麼不可以樹為證呢?!

   願這一場浩劫成為歷史, 堪京永遠是世界上最美麗,最宜人的陽光燦爛, 鳥語花香的城市。

    堪培拉旅澳老年華人 佟永達 於28/01/2003

關於aucca中文翻譯的建議   ¤ Junhong Chen

    Here is a suggestion:

    "aucca" is better translated into "澳佳".


    1. "佳"means "good, auspicious; beautiful; delightful". "澳佳"can mean a place to collect many nice, beautiful things. In "澳佳", you can see many beautiful things, arts, articles, stories about Chinese Culture on the Australian land.

    2. "佳"is prounced like "Ka" "Ca" by the people from south China, like Guangdong, Fu Jian provinces. In "aucca", you can find "Ca" too!.

    3. "佳"is comprised of "人" and two "土". Here "人" means every one who is interested in Chinese Culture on Australian Land. And the two "土" mean the two cultures: traditional Chinese Culture and multicultures in Australia and they can also mean two home countries: China and Australia..

    I believe this translation will be welcome broadly.

    PS. The basic meanings of "客" are "guest, visitor, and traveller" . And "澳客" can be too easily understood as "guest in Australian" or "Australian visitor" in other countries.

    Junhong Chen (junhongc@hotmail.com)

意見 1   ¤ Shu Birch

Date: 21 Aug 2003, 09:41:51 PM
Subject: Re: a suggestion for 'aucca' translation (fwd)

Don't forget a Chinese food company called themselves 澳佳. Therefore, it is not good.

     Shu Birch (shubirch@yahoo.com.au)

意見 2   ¤ Le Fei

fei le <fei_le@hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi Chou Hsing,

Following up our phone conversation, can you forward the following translations for "aucca" to our members for consideration using Chinese characters?

1. "澳鴿 (ao ge)" (Australian pigeon). Pigeon can be used as a message carrier. In our website, "ao ge" (Australian pigeon) means that Chinese people living in Canberra propagate the Chinese culture via this website as a message pigeon. Pigeon also is a symbol for peace, representing we, Australian . Chinese, love peace.
2. "澳歌 (ao ge)" (Australian song).
3. "澳閣 (ao ge)" (Australian building).
Anyway, I think we can put up all proposals for discussion and choose the best one.

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