           ¤ 豐筌 - 翻譯

儘管在13歲時失去了視覺﹐艾律克.魏罕美耳已經成為世界上著名而技藝高超的運 動員之一。為“失明意味著什麼”重新下了定義﹐艾律克已經改造了盲者的形像﹐啟 發了世界各地的人們。他從來沒有讓他的失明干擾他追求愉快而充實的人生的熱情。

2001年5月25日﹐艾律克成為歷史上到達世界最高的喜馬拉雅山﹐埃佛勒斯峰頂點的 第一個失明登山者。他34歲時﹐成為當今世界攀登上所有七座高峰–每個七大洲的最 高峰–的少於一百人的單獨攀登者之一。2002年9月5日﹐當他站在澳洲的科修斯科山 峰頂點時﹐ 完成了這項令人難以置信的成就。

這之前艾律克是中學老師和摔跤教練﹐嶄露頭角成為時代、戶外和攀登雜誌的封面 人物。他曾經在收視率極高的Oprah Winfrey Show, NBC's Today, the Tonight Show, 和 Nightly News with Tom Brokaw 等電視節目中接受專訪報導。

除了是世界級的運動員之外﹐艾律克也是最暢銷書《觸摸世界頂點》(Touch the Top of the World) 的作者。


        ¤ Author Unknown

Despite losing his vision at the age of 13, Erik Weihenmayer has become one of the celebrated and accomplished athletes in the world. Re-defining what it means to be blind, Erik has transformed the image of blindness and opened up the minds of people around the world. He has never let his blindness interfere with his passion for an exhilarating and fulfilling life.

On May 25, 2001, Erik became the first blind climber in history to reach the summit of the world's highest mountain, Mt. Everest. At the age of 34, Erik became one of less then 100 individuals to climb all of the Seven Summits - the highest peaks on each of the seven continents. He completed this incredible accomplishment on September 5, 2002 when he stood on top of Mt. Kosciusko in Australia.

Erik is a former middle school teacher and wrestling coach who has made his way on to the cover of Time, Outside, and Climbing magazines. He has also been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show, NBC's Today, the Tonight Show, and Nightly News with Tom Brokaw.

In addition to being a world-class athlete, Erik is also the author of the best-selling book, Touch the Top of the World.

Most of all, he is a proud husband, and a father to his young daughter, Emma.

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