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Z [ Zodiac Quiz (1) | Zodiac Quiz (2) | Zodiac Quiz (3) | Zodiac Signs ]

Zodiac Quiz (1)

1. Statistically speaking, in men, people with which zodiac sign are most keen to marry ?  
2. Statistically speaking, in women, people with which zodiac sign are least keen to marry ?  
3. The Zodiac sign of Libra is ruled by the planet:  
4. Which of the following Zodiac Signs is NOT a water sign?

5. Which Moon sign placement does Arnold Shwarzenegger have?
6. The degree of the Zodiac which would be rising if one were born on the equator is the:

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Zodiac Quiz (2)

1. Statistically, people with which zodiac sign are most likely to die by an accident?  
2. Statistically, people with which zodiac sign are least likely to have a car accident?  
3. The term Zodiac literally means:
4. Two planets that are separated by _____ degrees are considered to be Trine.  
5. Which Zodiac sign is in direct opposition to the Zodiac sign Aries?
6. Which planet is traditionally considered to be the "lesser benefic?"

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Zodiac Quiz (3)

1. Statistically, people with which zodiac sign are most likely to be a painter?  
2. Statistically, people with which zodiac sign are more likely to be self-employed?  
3. Which planet is nicknamed the Lord of Karma:

4. If three natal planets are all conjunct in Aries with Venus in 5 degrees, the Sun in 7 degrees and Mars in 9 degrees (and there are no other planets in Aries). Which planet is the scout planet?

5. Who is the author of An Astrological Study of Psychological Complexes?
6. The degrees in the Zodiac where the plane of the Moon's orbit crosses the plane of the ecliptic:

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Zodiac Signs

Zodiac Sign
Aries; March 21 - April 20; Warrior or Pioneer; Fire Energetic, impulsive, enthusiastic, positive, enterprising Mars Amethyst, Diamond Red
Taurus: April 21 - May 21; Builder or Producer; Earth Steadfast, systematic, persevering, kind-hearted, often musical Venus Moss-Agate, Emerald Blue & Pink
Gemini: May 22 - June 21; Artist or Inventor; Air Restless, versatile, clever, exuberant, expressive Mercury Beryl, Aquamarine Yellow
Cancer: June 22 - July 22; Prophet or Teacher; Water Tenacious, patient, sensitive, sympathetic, motherly Moon Moss-Agate, Emerald Violet
Leo: July 23 - August 23; King or President; Fire Proud, generous, trusting, domineering, authoritative Sun Ruby, Diamond Orange
Virgo: August 24 - September 23; Craftsman or Critic; Earth Exact, methodical, industrious, discriminating, intelligent Mercury Pink Jasper, Hyacinth Gray or Navy Blue
Libra: September 24 - October 23; Statesmen or Manager; Air Alert, just, artistic, honorable, affectionate Venus Diamond, Opal Indigo Blue
Scorpio: October 24 - November 22; Govenor or Inspector; Water Energetic, independent, passionate, determined, opinionated Mars Topaz, Malachite Deep Red
Sagittarius: November 23 - December 21; Sage or Counselor; Fire Candid, impulsive, restless, impatient, generous Jupiter Carbuncle, Turquoise Light Blue
Capricorn: December 22 - January 21; Priest or Ambassador; Earth Ambitious, persevering, diplomatic, reserved Saturn White Onyx, Moonstone Green
Aquarius: January 20 - February 18; Truth-seeker or Scientist; Air Honest, probing, broad-minded, amiable, humane Uranus Sapphire, Opal Electric Blue
Pisces: February 19 - March 20; Poet or Interpreter; Water Gentle, kind, retiring, sensitive Neptune Chrysolite, Moonstone Sea-Green

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